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Cassandra Heart

What types of applications can we develop on Quilibrium?

The ultimate end state is to be a platform in which any application can be built, but the first generation of applications will fall into a few common categories:What software knowledge will be required for applications to be developed on Quilibrium? (GO, javascript, rust, html, css etc?)For network native development, QCL, as a subset of… Read More »What types of applications can we develop on Quilibrium?

How we preserve privacy without opening the doors to criminal activities?

Quilibrium is a privacy preserving network, with a cryptographic accumulator bundle within each coin that a user can utilize to assert funds are not from illicit/sanctioned addresses. To that end, we retain privacy, but also provide compliance. Our goal is not to aid criminals, we don’t promote the use of the network for criminal activity,… Read More »How we preserve privacy without opening the doors to criminal activities?