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What’s coming after Quilibrium 2.0 ?

Quilibrium is planning to launch two primary products in the first months after the 2.0 network release, which should finish to roll out this week. Let’s break them down:

1. S3-Compatible Storage Service

First up is a service that’s compatible with S3 (Simple Storage Service). For those who aren’t familiar, S3 is like a giant digital storage locker in the cloud. Here’s what makes Quilibrium’s version interesting:

  • True Privacy: Unlike some big cloud providers, Quilibrium’s service seems designed to keep your data genuinely private. You won’t need to encrypt your data yourself – it’s baked into the service.
  • Potential Cost Savings: Word is that Quilibrium is aiming to compete on price.
  • Distributed Approach: They’re leveraging their network to offer a more distributed storage solution. This could mean better reliability and performance.

2. Key Management Service (KMS)

The second offering is a Key Management Service. Think of KMS as a super-secure vault for digital keys that unlock encrypted data. Here’s where it gets interesting:

  • True Multi-Party Computation: Unlike some services that claim to use multi-party computation but actually just split keys, Quilibrium’s KMS appears to use genuine MPC. This means the actual key is never fully reconstructed in one place – pretty cool stuff!
  • Regulatory Compliance: This is a big deal for businesses. Quilibrium’s approach seems designed to help companies meet strict regulatory requirements, like those set by the NYDFS (New York Department of Financial Services).
  • Risk Reduction: By eliminating the need for trusted execution environments and key recombination, this service could help companies significantly reduce their regulatory and security risks.
  • Developer-Friendly: Despite the advanced security features, it sounds like they’re working to make it easy for developers to integrate.

What this means for Quilibrium

These services show that Quilibrium Inc. isn’t just focused on creating public goods. They’re aiming to offer competitive, revenue-generating products that leverage their unique network capabilities.

And this is of course only the beginning. Quilibrium will also support End-to-end encrypted streaming, and AI applications… it’s just a matter of time.