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How to run a node on Quilibrium

Running a node is a great way to support the network while earning rewards along the way. All you need to know is in the “Node Guide” at

You will also find support by other community members in the Forum, on Discord and on Telegram.

How does Quilibrium reward the most efficient nodes?

Introducing… the “Prover Rings” (feature available after 2.0).

Imagine a set of concentric rings. Each ring contains 8 nodes, and the rings extend outward until there are no longer enough nodes to form a complete ring. The nodes with the highest uptime and best performance over time are positioned at the core. If a node makes a mistake, such as missing a few ticks of the master clock or providing an invalid proof, a higher-scoring node can move up to replace it.

This is why, if you’ve been running a node since the early days, you have an advantage. You will already have an excellent uptime score, and if you maintain your server well, you should receive the best rewards.

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